10V4 ILC
Low-consumption,interconnected retail scale with a thermal receipt printer.Automatic repositioning to Zero,
Possibility to print under minimum load according to the calibration standards.
Send of the weight over the plate under petition.Four sellers keys scale with thermal printer,two working
1.NETWORK:interconnected through cable (RS-485) to other scales.
2.LOCAL: Independent
- Sales over ticket, packing or automatic packet with stability weight.
- Packaging control through weight, operations or amount limits.
- Six label formats (three of them could be designed through external software).
- Label centered with 0,25 mm precision
Main:Low-consumption counter scale with piece counter.Automatic repositioning to Zero.
Display:LCD indication display with 5 digits for WEIGHT, 6 digits for TARE,
and 7 digits for number of PIECES.TARE indication,energy saving deactivated indication,battery level indication,zero weight,stability,net weight.
49-key keyboard,16 direct PLUs and 33 function keys. Possibility of programming 16 semi-direct items for quick PLU access,4 active vendors,disconnection key.
New Keys functionality:
- F1: Items programming.
- F2: Keys Programming.
- F3: Items listing.
- X: Absolute grand total,VAT and time.
- Z: Absolute grand total,VAT,time and absolute grand total erasure.
- GA:Items grand total
- GV:Salesclerks grand total – Saleclerk total (If only one saleclerk has sales).
- GI:VAT grand total.
Programmable data: Programming:20 numeric Tares,20 levels,20 unit weights,Beep.
Weight-Tare function,levels and counting pieces mode with
manual introduction or by comparison.
Thermal printer with the possibility to print self-adhesive labels
or continuous paper, label configuration through external
software, different printing formats.
Memory:8032 Microprocessor, numeric tares storage, levels and unit weight storage.
Feature:6V,10A internal battery, external charging of 12V, 500mA,and an optional 12V external battery.Functions in basic weight mode, levels mode,and piece-counting mode.Semi-automatic Tare,accumulating Tare,numeric codified Tare and manual numeric Tare.Different menu levels.